Monday, March 16, 2009

Relay For Life - Clothing Fair STARTS TODAY!

TODAY - Monday March 16th at 10am SLT starts the annual Relay For Life Clothing Fair.

I was able to visit the sims yesterday and want to congratulate all those involved in getting this fair ready! The build is fabulous! I recommend taking a couple of days to visit (not all day) but enough time to really get the full scope of all that is going on.

First of all, to make this the most enjoyable experience for yourself I want you to be aware of what you can do for yourself while shopping/exploring/experiencing. Its called Avatar Rendering Cost or ARC. It will help keep what you wear at a lower render cost thus helping your personal lag. It will also help benefit those around you. The lower the number, the better the experience.

How do I figure out what ARC number I have?

First we need to get the Advanced menu visable by pressing Ctrl+Alt+D

Second go to the then then to and finally click . Above your avatar's head you should now see a number indicating your ARC. (See the following image for help)


I have a number over my head, yay. You will notice if you have other avatars around too, that they will also have a number over their heads. They will vary in color from green (low) to red (high).

How do I reduce my ARC number?

I was curious myself so here is a series of shots where I remove prims until I get down to the lowest amount of ARC which is 1.








So if you see me or others walking around like this you'll know why. It may not seem like much, but it does help! I also recommend turning down your personal graphic settings by getting into the graphical menu under your preferences which can be accessed by pressing ctrl + P. It is something that models do in order to prep for fashion shows to help with their own lag.

I hope this helps your personal lag during the festivities. Here are some things going on this week during the fair that I hope you will participate in:

There is a Silent Auction for 7 one-of-a-kind SL gowns starting today and going until the 22nd.

This year at the SL Clothing Fair something special is in the works. We will be offering a Silent Dress Auction featuring original interpretations of the designs seen grid-wide representing the 7 Deadly Sins.” Bidding will start when the fair begins on Monday, March 16, 2009 at 10:00 am SLT and will close at 6:00 pm SLT on Sunday, March 22, 2009. Winners will be announced at 8:00 pm SLT on the 22nd to bid the fair adieu. You are probably sitting there wondering at this point who the designers are that worked so secretly on these 7 dresses. Let me share the list:

  • Wrath ... Raven Pennyfeather from House of Rfyre
  • Sloth .... Moxie Polano from Haute Couture by Moxie Polano
  • Lust ... Paul Lapointe and Bastchild Lotus from Lapointe and Bastchild Designs
  • Envy .... Swaffette Firefly from SF Designs
  • Vanity .... Wiccan Sojuorner from Bewitched
  • Gluttony ... Nicky Ree from Designing Nicky Ree
  • Avarice... Lemania Indigo from Lemania Indigo Designs

Each dress will be an exclusive one of a kind design from the designer, Never to be resold and all proceeds from this auction will go to the Relay for Life campaign.
Auction will take place on the Entertainment sim place your bids early and

CLICK HERE to teleport to the Entertainment Sim for the Silent Auction.

Being a photographer in SL, I have to share the info for the first annual Clothing Fair RFL Photo Contest! Good Luck if you choose to participate. Here is the scoop:

Its time for the first annual Clothing Fair RFL Photo contest!
Category name: RFL exclusive style (both categories: Male and Female)
Goal: Mix and Match the exclusive items available from the RFL-kiosks during RFL Clothing Fair to create a composite style.Each Item must be purchased from the fair. The look must include items from at least 3 different designers. The person must add on the description of the photo the reference of store name and item name for each RFL-item that comprise the final look, so other people can buy them if they wish have the same look.

HAVE FUN! Mix and Match Prizes will be given to the Best Male and Best Female COMPOSITE. This event is sponsored by the designers of the fair and photoLIfe. Each winner will recieve a brand new photoLIfe Studio plus a wonderful gift bag from the designers. Just some basic rules to remember:

  1. All photos must be PG rated...absolutely NO nudity
  2. May be post processed. We want your best work
  3. Focus of the photo must be a of RFL outfits purchased at the fair
  4. No more then three entries per person
  5. Have fun!

Upload your entry to
Contest Runs from 10am slt March 16, 2009 till 6pm slt March 22, 2009 . Winners will be announced at Party at 6pm-8pm slt on March 23 on the Entertainment sim at the Fair.

CLICK HERE to teleport to the Entertainment Sim for the Photo Contest End Party on Monday March 23rd.

If you're into Fashion Shows the FIRST show starts doay at 3pm SLT by Timeless Agency.

For all fashion show dates and times, check out: Timeless Agency's blog here.

Thank you for reading, have fun, help a great cause, and stay lag free as best as you can! It will be crowded!

- Zoe