Saturday, February 12, 2011

Zoe's Quick Pick - The Secret Store

Quick Pick: Secret Store
The newest release from the Secret Store might not be the best dress to be sitting in - but these sculpts are certainly worth admiring with some photography!

Boheme - Wild Flowers
Available here: SLURL

Love, Zoe

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl Sunday

Steelers, originally uploaded by Zoe Demar.

I'm not huge into football, but I cheer for the Steelers because it is my husband's favorite team. I created this image back in 2009! Here we are again fighting for the Superbowl.

This time it is a lil extra special as it is my hubby's b-day today. So this post is for him!

Here's to a great game!

Love, Zoe