Tuesday, January 19, 2010

NIAVI : Help Haiti - Classic Red Dress

We all have seen the devastation that has occured due to the earthquake in Haiti - Not only have hundreds of thousands lost their lives - there is much more that needs to be done and more potential lives to be saved.

NIAVI is contributing to the cause organized by Radio Signals and OMGWTF Barbeque on Scribble, with a red version of Niavi's classic black dress called "Help Haiti" for 200L. It will be available both at Niavi's main store HERE or at the skybox on Scribble HERE.

Please check out the skybox on Scribble HERE to see more stores contributing items towards this cause.

I will post another follow-up post with the results of the fundraiser to the Red Cross when complete.

Thank you!

Niavi Toxx & Zoe Demar

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Niavi is Offically Open!

It brings me much joy to say that I finally have a fashion store in Second Life - something that I wanted to do but had so many personal things holding me back and talking myself out of it. Today is an end to that hill!

Niavi Logo

I have been designing and editing between photography projects and real life events to finally get to the grand opening of Niavi. I do hope you enjoy the designs that I have created and will join me on the ride to more discoveries of design in the future!

Please check out the following bloggers whom I have had the pleasure of knowing over my time here in Second Life as they had an opportunity to check out my current creations:

Thank you ladies for you creative and unique ways to bring my designs to life! I hope to share more of what my other friends do with my creations and will hope to have time to show some of my own!

Click here to Visit Niavi and the other wonderful stores at Alite Mall

Zoe Demar & Niavi Toxx

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Little Bit of Style by Zoe Demar - Nico

Ever play Grand Theft Auto IV? If not, no worries - I just felt like this look kinda turned out how I would picture an SL version of Nico (main character from GTA IV) to look...maybe minus the guitar bag. I'm not going to do a long description and instead will allow the picture to do the talking. This is my alter ego in my inventory that I like to call "Joe" he is handy when I need to do photography.



Love, Zoe

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Newness from Kalnins Footwear

New-Boots, originally uploaded by Zoe Demar.

I've been really busy with getting my new store ready (hope to be opening soon!) and with that haven't had much time to blog - but I wanted to share some newness from Kalnins Footwear.

These are the SnowDrift boots that comes in a variety of colors that you can choose via HUD scripts. The main color, straps, and seams of the boots are all color changeable seen here in pink, purple, and white.



Friday, January 1, 2010

Paper Couture Winter 2010 is here!

My Faves of PC Jewelry, originally uploaded by Zoe Demar.

I have taken pictures of my favorite jewelry pieces from the Paper Couture Winter 2010 collection - this necklace and earring set being one of them. Check out my flickr stream for more!
